Objective: The objective of this programming assignment is to practice composition in C++ by creating two classes, Book and Author, where the Book class contains an Author object as one of its member variables.
Author Class:
• Create a class called Author that has the following private attributes:
- std::string name (the name of the author)
- int birthYear (the year the author was born)
• Implement a constructor that takes name and birthYear as parameters and initializes the attributes.
• Implement two get methods for name and birthYear.
• Implement a member function displayInfo that displays the author's information.
Book Class:
• Create a class called Book that has the following private attributes:
- std::string title (the title of the book)
- int publicationYear (the year the book was published)
- Author author (an instance of the Author class)
• Implement a constructor for the Book class that takes title, publicationYear, name, and birthYear as parameters and initializes the attributes. The constructor should also create an Author object.
• Implement get methods for title and publicationYear.
• Implement a member function displayInfo that displays the book's information,
including the author's information, to the console.
Main Function:
- In the main function, create at least two Book objects with different titles, publication years, author names, and author birth years.
- Use the getter methods to access and display the information of these books.
- Ensure that the program correctly displays the information about the books and their authors