Hajer Hajer نشر 20 مارس 2019 أرسل تقرير نشر 20 مارس 2019 Solving a Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Using Genetic Algorithm (GA) Q1- Describe briefly the Travelling Salesman Problem. Q2- Genetic Algorithm brief introduction. Q3- Download the source code (any programming language that you want) that uses GA for solving TSP. Run the code and show some outputs through taking screen shots of your program. Q4- Based on the program code describe how following are represented Gene: Individual (chromosome): Population: Selecting the 1st Generation of Parents: Fitness function: Crossover operator: Mutation operator: Termination condition: Q5- Provide the references that you refer in your assignment as well as the source code. اقتباس
0 جميل بيلوني نشر 26 مارس 2019 أرسل تقرير نشر 26 مارس 2019 يبدو أن هذه وظيفة جامعية أو ما شابه، وهذا المكان ليس لحل الوظائف بل لمساعدتك إن واجهتك مشكلة بينما تحاولين حلها. بالتوفيق، اقتباس
Hajer Hajer
Solving a Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Using Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Q1- Describe briefly the Travelling Salesman Problem.
Q2- Genetic Algorithm brief introduction.
Q3- Download the source code (any programming language that you want) that
uses GA for solving TSP. Run the code and show some outputs through
taking screen shots of your program.
Q4- Based on the program code describe how following are represented
Individual (chromosome):
Selecting the 1st Generation of Parents:
Fitness function:
Crossover operator:
Mutation operator:
Termination condition:
Q5- Provide the references that you refer in your assignment as well as the source code.
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