اذهب إلى المحتوى



سلام عليكم و رحمة الله

سؤال في مكتبة TCPDF

ازاي اخلي الخلية تحتوي النص ما يطلعش براها بالشكل ده ، احطلها خاصية warp text زي الاكسيل كده 



الكود الخاص بي



$title = "التقارير";

$order_id = $_GET['id'];

$uSql = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE id='$order_id'";

if ($result = $conn->query($uSql)){

    $order = $result->fetch_assoc() ?? false;

if (!$order){
    header("location: ./");

$date = $order['date'].'';
$date = explode(" ",$date);
$date = $date[0];

$query = "SELECT username, logo, qr FROM clients WHERE id=".$order['client_id']."";
$user = array();
if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

    $user = $result->fetch_assoc() ?? false;
$client = $user['username'];
$logo = $user['logo'];
$qr = $user['qr'];

$query = "SELECT * FROM order_general_info WHERE id=".$order['general_info_id']."";
if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

    $info = $result->fetch_assoc() ?? false;

$season = $info['season'];
$gender = $info['gender'];

$query = "SELECT name FROM models WHERE id=".$info['model_id']."";
$model = array();
if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

    $model = $result->fetch_assoc() ?? false;

$model = $model['name'];

$query = "SELECT name FROM brands WHERE id=".$info['brand_id']."";
$brand = array();
if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

    $brand = $result->fetch_assoc() ?? false;
$brand = $brand['name'];

$query = "SELECT m.image, d.name FROM order_model m JOIN design_sub_category d ON m.sub_design_id = d.id WHERE m.order_id=".$order['id']."";
$model_sub = array();
if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

    $model_sub = $result->fetch_assoc() ?? false;
$model_image = $model_sub['image'];
$model_design_name = $model_sub['name'];

$query = "SELECT total_count, sample_size FROM patron WHERE id=".$order['patron_id']."";
$patron = array();
if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

    $patron = $result->fetch_assoc() ?? false;
$total_count = $patron['total_count'];
$sample_size = $patron['sample_size'];

$query = "SELECT DISTINCT  title FROM size_table_sizes WHERE size_table_id=".$order['size_table_id'].";";
$size_table = array();
if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

    while ($row= $result->fetch_assoc()){

        array_push($size_table, $row) ;


$sizes = '';
foreach ($size_table as $k => $size){
    $sizes .= $size['title'] . ' - ';
    if ($k == count($size_table)-1)
        $sizes .= $size['title'];


$query = "SELECT DISTINCT cloth_composition_id FROM order_cloths WHERE order_id=".$order['id']." AND usage_id=15 ;";
$cloth_composition_id = array();
if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

    $cloth_composition_id = $result->fetch_assoc() ?? false;

$cloth_composition_id = $cloth_composition_id['cloth_composition_id'];

$query = "SELECT c.mix, f.name FROM cloths_fabric c JOIN fibers f ON c.fiberT = f.id WHERE c.item=".$cloth_composition_id.";";
$clothes = array();
if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

    while ($row= $result->fetch_assoc()){

        array_push($clothes, $row) ;


$clothes_description = '';
foreach ($clothes as $k => $clothe){
    if ($k == count($clothes)-1)
        $clothes_description .= '('.$clothe['name'].': %'. $clothe['mix'] . ') ';
    $clothes_description .= '('.$clothe['name'].': %'. $clothe['mix'] . ') - ';


$size_table = array();
$query = "SELECT * FROM size_table WHERE id=".$order['size_table_id']."";
if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

    $size_table = $result->fetch_assoc() ?? false;

    $query = "SELECT * FROM size_table_factors WHERE size_table_id=".$order['size_table_id']."";
    $size_table_factors = array();

    if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

        while ($row= $result->fetch_assoc()){

            array_push($size_table_factors, $row) ;


        foreach ($size_table_factors as $k => $factor){

            $size_table_factors[$k]['sizes'] = array();

            $query = "SELECT * FROM size_table_sizes WHERE size_table_factor_id=".$factor['id']."";
            if ($result = $conn->query($query)){

                while ($row= $result->fetch_assoc()){

                    array_push($size_table_factors[$k]['sizes'], $row) ;






//var_dump($size_table_factors); exit;


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$pdf->Cell(26,10,"عدد القطع",1,0,'C',1);


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/* سطر الملاحظات */

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$col_width = intval(143 / (count($size_table_factors[0]['sizes'])+1)) ;

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//Close and output PDF document
$pdf->Output('size_table_report.pdf', 'I');




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