السلام عليكم .. سؤالى مكن من جزئين الاول هو التاسك .. والثانى هو ما فهمته .. اريد ان اعرف ان كنت قد فهمت المهمة بشكل صحيح ام لا .. هذا هو الجزء الذى انا اشعر بالحيرة منه.
Task Requirements:
Feel free to spend as much or as little time on the exercise as you like as long as the following requirements have been met. We are not setting any boundaries in this task so that you can come up with your own ideas/choices.
Create a Web-based Admin Panel for either Mobile or Web App. (Mobile App preferred.)
Sample features that you can show on the Admin Panel can be as follows: (only to give you some idea)
Content management (i.e. so-called CRUD: create, read, update, and delete)
For example, Admin should be able to add New Course Content to Course Screens (some sample Course Screens are provided down below)
Tip: Choose a framework that takes care of that for you, and don’t lose time.
User management (e.g. adding, deleting, creating groups, enabling/disabling user privileges etc.)
Export/import of data (i.e. basic integration with other systems)
Create 4-5 App Screens (or more if you have time & Mobile preferred) that communicate with the Backend, Database and Admin Panel.
We provide some sample screens below, but you can feel free to develop your own ideas
هو يريد منى ان اقوم بعمل لوحة تحكم يمكنها ان تتحكم فى ثلاث اشياء
الاولى الكورسات وهى اضافة او حذف او تعديل الكورسات ..
الثانية المستخدمين وهى ان الادمن يمكنه ان ينشئ جروبات للمستخدمين ويضيفهم ويحذفهم منها ..
الثالثة لا اعرف ما المقصود بهذا ..
Export/import of data (i.e. basic integration with other systems)
واخيرا تصميم الشاشات الخاصة بالهاتف وهذه افهمها الحمد لله .
الرجاء مساعدتى فى فهم هذه المهمة .. وشكرا مقدما
Ahmed Sawy
السلام عليكم .. سؤالى مكن من جزئين الاول هو التاسك .. والثانى هو ما فهمته .. اريد ان اعرف ان كنت قد فهمت المهمة بشكل صحيح ام لا .. هذا هو الجزء الذى انا اشعر بالحيرة منه.
Task Requirements:
Feel free to spend as much or as little time on the exercise as you like as long as the following requirements have been met. We are not setting any boundaries in this task so that you can come up with your own ideas/choices.
Create a Web-based Admin Panel for either Mobile or Web App. (Mobile App preferred.)
Sample features that you can show on the Admin Panel can be as follows: (only to give you some idea)
Content management (i.e. so-called CRUD: create, read, update, and delete)
For example, Admin should be able to add New Course Content to Course Screens (some sample Course Screens are provided down below)
Tip: Choose a framework that takes care of that for you, and don’t lose time.
User management (e.g. adding, deleting, creating groups, enabling/disabling user privileges etc.)
Export/import of data (i.e. basic integration with other systems)
Create 4-5 App Screens (or more if you have time & Mobile preferred) that communicate with the Backend, Database and Admin Panel.
We provide some sample screens below, but you can feel free to develop your own ideas
هو يريد منى ان اقوم بعمل لوحة تحكم يمكنها ان تتحكم فى ثلاث اشياء
الاولى الكورسات وهى اضافة او حذف او تعديل الكورسات ..
الثانية المستخدمين وهى ان الادمن يمكنه ان ينشئ جروبات للمستخدمين ويضيفهم ويحذفهم منها ..
الثالثة لا اعرف ما المقصود بهذا ..
Export/import of data (i.e. basic integration with other systems)
واخيرا تصميم الشاشات الخاصة بالهاتف وهذه افهمها الحمد لله .
الرجاء مساعدتى فى فهم هذه المهمة .. وشكرا مقدما
1 جواب على هذا السؤال
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