محمود سامي7 نشر 23 نوفمبر 2021 أرسل تقرير نشر 23 نوفمبر 2021 كيف أستطيع تغيير أتجاه النماذج في بوتستراب الاصدار 4.3 الي rtl ليس أتجاه الملف أو body @extends('layouts.app') @section('content') {{--*/ usort($tableGrid, "SiteHelpers::_sort") /*--}} <div class="page-titles"> <h4 class="mb-0"> {{ $pageTitle }} <small> {{ $pageNote }} </small> </h4> <h1>plassaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</h1> </div> <div class="card" > <div class="card-body"> <div class="toolbar-nav"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 "> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control form-control-sm onsearch" data-target="{{ url($pageModule) }}" aria-label="..." placeholder=" Type And Hit Enter "> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8 text-right"> <div class="btn-group"> @if($access['is_add'] ==1) <a href="{{ url('core/users/create?return='.$return) }}" class="btn btn-sm btn-info" title="{{ __('core.btn_create') }}"> Add New </a> @endif <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> Bulk Action </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> @if($access['is_excel'] ==1) <li class="nav-item"><a href="{{ url( $pageModule .'/export?do=excel&return='.$return) }}" class="nav-link"> Export CSV </a></li> @endif @if($access['is_add'] ==1) <li class="nav-item"><a href="{{ url($pageModule .'/import?return='.$return) }}" onclick="SximoModal(this.href, 'Import CSV'); return false;" class="nav-link"> Import CSV</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a href="javascript://ajax" class=" nav-link copy " title="Copy" > Copy selected</a></li> @endif <li class="nav-item"><a href="{{ url($pageModule) }}" class="nav-link">Clear Search </a></li> <div class="dropdown-divider"></div> @if($access['is_remove'] ==1) <li class="nav-item"><a href="javascript://ajax" onclick="SximoDelete();" class="nav-link tips" title="{{ __('core.btn_remove') }}"> Remove Selected </a></li> @endif </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Toolbar Top --> <!-- Table Grid --> <div class="table-responsive"> {!! Form::open(array('url'=>'core/users?'.$return, 'class'=>'form-horizontal m-t' ,'id' =>'SximoTable' )) !!} <table class="table table-striped table-hover " id="{{ $pageModule }}Table"> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 3% !important;" class="number"> No </th> <th style="width: 3% !important;"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkall filled-in" id="checked-all" /> <label for="checked-all"></label> </th> @foreach ($tableGrid as $t) @if($t['view'] =='1') <?php $limited = isset($t['limited']) ? $t['limited'] :''; if(SiteHelpers::filterColumn($limited )) { $addClass='class="tbl-sorting" '; if($insort ==$t['field']) { $dir_order = ($inorder =='desc' ? 'sort-desc' : 'sort-asc'); $addClass='class="tbl-sorting '.$dir_order.'" '; } echo '<th align="'.$t['align'].'" '.$addClass.' width="'.$t['width'].'">'.\SiteHelpers::activeLang($t['label'],(isset($t['language'])? $t['language'] : array())).'</th>'; } ?> @endif @endforeach <th style="width: 10% !important;">{{ __('core.btn_action') }}</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> @foreach ($rowData as $row) <tr> <td > {{ ++$i }} </td> <td > <input type="checkbox" class="ids filled-in" name="ids[]" value="{{ $row->id }}" id="val-{{ $row->id }}" /> <label for="val-{{ $row->id }}"></label> </td> @foreach ($tableGrid as $field) @if($field['view'] =='1') <?php $limited = isset($field['limited']) ? $field['limited'] :''; ?> @if(SiteHelpers::filterColumn($limited )) <?php $addClass= ($insort ==$field['field'] ? 'class="tbl-sorting-active" ' : ''); ?> <td align="{{ $field['align'] }}" width=" {{ $field['width'] }}" {!! $addClass !!} > {!! SiteHelpers::formatRows($row->{$field['field']},$field ,$row ) !!} </td> @endif @endif @endforeach <td> <div class="dropdown"> <button class="btn btn-sm dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown"> {{ __('core.btn_action') }} </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> @if($access['is_edit'] ==1) <li class="nav-item"><a href="{{ url('core/users/'.$row->id.'/edit?return='.$return) }}" class="nav-link tips" title="{{ __('core.btn_edit') }}"> {{ __('core.btn_edit') }} </a></li> @endif <div class="dropdown-divider"></div> @if($access['is_remove'] ==1) <li class="nav-item"><a href="javascript://ajax" onclick="SximoDelete();" class="nav-link tips" title="{{ __('core.btn_remove') }}"> Remove Selected </a></li> @endif </ul> </div> </td> </tr> @endforeach </tbody> </table> <input type="hidden" name="action_task" value="" /> {!! Form::close() !!} </div> @include('footer') <!-- End Table Grid --> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.copy').click(function() { var total = $('input[class="ids"]:checkbox:checked').length; if(confirm('are u sure Copy selected rows ?')) { $('input[name="action_task"]').val('copy'); $('#SximoTable').submit();// do the rest here } }) }); </script> @stop 1 اقتباس
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محمود سامي7
كيف أستطيع تغيير أتجاه النماذج في بوتستراب الاصدار 4.3 الي rtl ليس أتجاه الملف أو body
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