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احمد البطل


Implement a class date, the class has members: day, month, year, consider all the
months to be 30 days, the class has setter and getter functions in addition to the
appropriate constructors.
Implement a 2 nd class Person. A person has a name and a birthday. Derive classes
Student and Instructor from Person. A student has a major and admission date, and an
instructor has a salary and hiring date.
Write the class definitions, the constructors, and the member functions: print() for all
classes, instructor seniority (instructor)for instructors to find which instructor has
seniority above the other, void grad_date() to print the graduation year expected for the
student, setter and getter functions for all classes.
In the main function: define 1 student, 2 instructors, find the graduation date of the
student given the bachelor degree takes 5 years, find which instructor has seniority above
the other

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