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Youcef Kias

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كل منشورات العضو Youcef Kias

  1. error when I try to verify my account "بيانات الهوية لا تتطابق مع بيانات صاحب الحساب" I want to do the test but they give me
  2. "بيانات الهوية لا تتطابق مع بيانات صاحب الحساب" I tried to verify my indentity but They give me this error what I should do ? should I change my account to my real account (because I subscribed by my mothers account because she told me to subcribe to the academy at the condition that I use her count)
  3. and What is the meaning of pk, Fk, N
  4. how to make them connected like that and could you explain me how "FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES Products(product_id) " work using SQL
  5. acually, I used SQL and microsoft BI both at once, also could you give a task about information that you want form the files so I will I analysed them for you
  6. I sent email and I am waiting, and also I tried to message you in this site
  7. I think I had enough knowledge, so I want t o do the exam
  8. what you say about my performance Book1.twb drama,action movies.csv project1.pbix practice.zip
  9. I will give you 4 files, each file will be used by unique program, you tell me what you desire from them and I will give you what you want books.csv sql and power BI netflix_titles.csv Tableau excelimdb_top_1000.csvj Anime_rank.csv python
  10. no, I mean there is interview to het a jo with excel
  11. where I get the excel interview
  12. تمارين Excel: قومي باستيراد البيانات من جدولي SQL (Products و Orders) إلى Excel. أنشئي جدولًا محوريًا لعرض إجمالي المبيعات لكل تصنيف. أنشئي مخططًا بيانيًا لعرض إجمالي المبيعات لكل شهر. استخدمي الدوال في Excel لحساب هامش الربح لكل منتج (بافتراض أن تكلفة كل المنتجات ثابتة). تنسيق البيانات في Excel لإنشاء تقرير مبيعات شهري جذاب بصريًا. could you send me more please Attachments.zip
  13. استعلام SQL لعرض جميع المنتجات من تصنيف "إلكترونيات". استعلام لعرض إجمالي المبيعات (السعر * الكمية) لكل منتج. استعلام لعرض أفضل 5 منتجات مبيعًا من حيث الكمية. استعلام لعرض إجمالي المبيعات لكل شهر. استعلام لعرض متوسط سعر المنتجات في كل تصنيف. also I didn't know how to answear question 4 because I didn't know how to use month, also what is the use of "FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES Products(product_id)" I didn't know how to use it New folder.zip
  14. should you give me Exercise about thus files instead archive.zip
  15. but, You didn't give me the data that I should insert them to the tables, or should I find them by myself but where
  16. first, I want you to give me Exercise about sql and Excel
  17. I learn SQL and Excel and power BI and tableau and I want to give me projects about data clearance for SQL, Excel, python and visualized them using pandas, power BI and tableau
  18. A question about excel: how to organize raw files and here is the link for the file is if you want to download it https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths Screen Recording 2024-07-02 081935.mp4
  19. hey, I found a course in youtube , and I want to ask if it will give mee all I need to become a real data analysis
  20. could you explain me how valuebles work because I've seen you using to defiend functions like(bored = ' '.join) and also could you explain me how loops like for and while because I didn't understand how you use 'i' with them
  21. هل يمكن أن تخبرني عن موقع ويب يمكنني من خلاله ممارسة لغة بايثون مثل الدوال
  22. ما هي نصيحتك لي لإتقان الأساسيات وأين أجد تمارين لذلك
  23. how to copy the codes that in the videos by "ctrl + c"
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