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Youcef Kias

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كل منشورات العضو Youcef Kias

  1. I mean what are all the courses in hsoub academy that would help me in my career
  2. what other courses would help me with data scientist/AI &machine learning, other than machine learning course
  3. for thus The spamed Emails - Copy.ipynb Random forest.ipynb Churn modelling by ANN.ipynb
  4. I meant the values your learning algorithm can change independently as it learn, like "estimator" and "CV" , each one must 5, I need them for a review
  5. could you give me 5 parameters to KNN, RandomForest,SVM and Neural network
  6. what is "neutral network" and could you give me an example of how to use it?
  7. what are "Time Series Analysis in Python" ? and in data analysis , why and how to use them
  8. I want to buy the AI course, the I need Mysql for it
  9. should I download MySQL? because I have microsoft sql server management studio
  10. what is the pycaret library, and what is it use?
  11. what is XGboost? how it work? and how to use it
  12. as you notice, there is a lot of long and unnecessary writing, could you help me to find short-cut application_record.csv application_record_encoded.csv prediction of house type by logistic regression.ipynb
  13. what you say about my work Regression.zip
  14. what about "SimpleImputer" and "StandardScaler" could you explain how they work to me and how to use them
  15. what is "RandomForestRegressor", how it work, and the way to use it and what is the difference between it and normal regression
  16. Regression.zip why the visualization look bad(in both)
  17. could you explain me each of thus new Libraries by detail and how they work using this dataset as example https://www.kaggle.com/code/nikendrashekhawat/diamonds-price-prediction-ml#1.-Import-libraries
  18. what you advice me to get my first projects with no education and 0 experience in upwork and with portfolio like this?cx
  19. what you advice me to get my first job in upwork
  20. I created I an account and still dont have the 50 connects
  21. but I still have 0
  22. I create my account know so when we get this free connects?
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