<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><metacharset="UTF-8"/><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/><linkrel="stylesheet"href="style.css"/><title>Grid-HW</title></head><body><divclass="container-page"><divclass="iphone-container"><divclass="text-container"><div>IPHONE 6s</div><h3style="padding:10px0;">3D Touch. 12MP photos. 4K video.One powerful phone</h3><divstyle="font-weight:100;">Learn more or visit an Apple Store today</div></div><imgsrc="./1.png"alt=""/></div><divclass="second-section"><div>LEARN MORE</div><h1>How to Use Rotary Evaporator in Chemical Labs</h1><ahref="#">Download now</a></div><divclass="third-section"><imgsrc="./3.png"width="319"/><h3><strong>Our Brand New Keyboard</strong></h3><ahref="#"class="arrow-link yellow">LEARN <strongclass="arrow">›</strong></a></div><divclass="forth-section"><divclass="left-section"><divclass="caps">IMAC.RETINA</div><h3class="heading-5">Hardly a month passes these days where</h3><imgsrc="./2.png"/></div><divclass="right-section"><div>
Apple may be experimenting in the virtual reality space. The company
has been granted a patent for a head-mounted virtual reality device
that would use the iPhone screen as the display.
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With iCloud, you always have the latest versions of your most
important things — like documents, apps, notes, and contacts — on
whatever device you’re using.
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Zyad Developer
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