classPerson{constructor(name, age){ =name;this.age =age;}get age (){returnthis._age;}
console.log(`Hello,My name is ${}, and I am ${this.age} years old`)}}classStudent extends Person{constructor(name,age,level){
super(name ,age);this.level =level;}}constPerson=newPerson('Ibrahim',26);Student.hellow();// try and catchtry{
alert('catch');}function area(width,height){if(isNaN(width)|| isNaN(height)){throwError('Parameter is a number');}return width *height;}const wait =time =>newPromise((resolve,reject)=>{if(time >5000) reject('Sory I can \ t wait');
setTimeout(resolve ,time)});
wait(2000).then(()=>{console.log("hello");return wait(1000);}).then(()=>{
console.log('world !');});newPromise((resolve,reject)=>{
setTimeout(()=> resolve(1),1000);}).then(result =>{
console.log(result);return result *2;});
Abdulmnoum Albraky
خذا خوخ كود جافا سكربت
حتى لو قمت بادخال اوامر بسيطه
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