In this project you will implement the customer side of a support site belonging to an imaginary company according to the given instructions. This company provides hosting services. The zip package below contains rough sketches of the pages and the company's graphical manual (colors and fonts). You are expected to design the details of the site. The pages are required to be responsive (adapt to different screen sizes) and to get their contents from the database.
The package also includes the SQL file with a handful of support articles. Please feel free to add more through phpMyAdmin if necessary. You are not required to implement the company side of the support site. In the real world, the articles would come from another IT system.
It is recommended to work in pairs. However, if you wish, you can also complete the project solo. The programming languages used are HTML/CSS and PHP. Using React / Redux instead is also allowed if you have done the Full Stack course.
Shahinaz Mohi
السلام عليكم
جديدة في عالم البرمجة
عملت من قبل مشاريع بسيطة بما يخص الديزاين
لكن مطلوب مني الان تحضير مشروع نهاية فصل
انا لا ابحث هنا عن حلول
وانما اريد ان اعرف من اين ابدأ
هل ممكن ان احصل على مساعدة هنا بأي نصيحة
المشروع التالي
In this project you will implement the customer side of a support site belonging to an imaginary company according to the given instructions. This company provides hosting services. The zip package below contains rough sketches of the pages and the company's graphical manual (colors and fonts). You are expected to design the details of the site. The pages are required to be responsive (adapt to different screen sizes) and to get their contents from the database.
The package also includes the SQL file with a handful of support articles. Please feel free to add more through phpMyAdmin if necessary. You are not required to implement the company side of the support site. In the real world, the articles would come from another IT system.
It is recommended to work in pairs. However, if you wish, you can also complete the project solo. The programming languages used are HTML/CSS and PHP. Using React / Redux instead is also allowed if you have done the Full Stack course.
والصور التاليه جائت من ضمن السؤال
هل يجب ان ابدأ بالمشروع كما موضوح في الصور
ولدينا ملف SQL قد قمت بربطه مقدمأ ب XXAMP
2 أجوبة على هذا السؤال
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