from pytube importYouTube
link =''# link = input("Please enter the video url: ")
video =YouTube(link)print(f"The video title is:\n{video.title} \n------------------------------")print(f"The video description is:\n{video.description} \n------------------------------")print(f"The video views are:\n{video.views} \n------------------------------")print(f"The video rating is:\n{video.rating} \n------------------------------")print(f"The video duration is:\n{video.length} seconds \n------------------------------")# print(video.streams)
يظهر الخطأ التالي :
line 1,in<module>from pytube importYouTubeImportError: cannot import name 'YouTube'from partially initialized module 'pytube'(most likely due to a circular import)(D:\الدورات\Introduction to PythonProgramming\Projects\Youtube Downloader\ finished with exit code 1
Hussein Ouda
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