#include<iostream>usingnamespace std;classNeedy_People{public:
string name,Address,cause ;long ID;float monthly_allowance;Needy_People(){}Needy_People(const string &name,const string &Address,long id,const string &cause,const string &adress,float monthly_allowance): name(name),ID(id), monthly_allowance(monthly_allowance),Address(Address),cause(cause){}};classVolunteers{public:
string name, days;long ID;Volunteers(){}Volunteers(const string &name,long id,const string &days ): name(name), days(days),ID(id),{}};classDonors{public:
string name;long ID;float donation_money;Donors(){}Donors(const string &name,long id,float donation_money): name(name), ID(id),donation_money(donation_money){}};classCharity{public:Charity(){}Charity(constDonors&Donors,constVolunteers&Volunteers,constNeedy_People&Needy_People):Needy_People(Needy_People),Donors(Donors),Volunteers(Volunteers){}};int main(){Charity database[10];int exit =0;do{
cout <<"Press 1 to fill data of database\n"<<"Press 2 to output data in the database \n"<<"Press 3 to search of 'Ahmed Osama' as a donor \n"<<"Press 4 to search about the names of people need 1000 L.E monthly\n"<<"Press 5 to search about needy_people in 'MoQatam' area\n"<<"Press 6 to search if there is a volunteer working in Sunday\n"<<"Press 7 to search about people who donate with money greater than 10000 L.E\n"<<"Press 8 to search about volunteer by ID \n"<<"Press 9 to search about Donor with ID \n"<<"press 10 to exit.\n"<<"Please make your selection\n"<<"Selection: ";
cin >> exit;// Casesswitch(exit){case1:
cout <<"please fill data of database here\n";break;case2:
cout <<"output data \n";break;case3:
cout <<"please entre name of item\n";break;case4:
cout <<"please entre price grater than 15000 LE\n";break;case5:
cout <<"item made by company in ' Damietta'\n";break;case6:
cout <<"please entre item id\n";break;case7:
cout <<"item with maximum amount\n";break;case8:
cout <<" please enter ID to search \n";break;case9:
cout <<"please enter ID to search \n";break;case10:
cout <<"Goodbye!\n";break;default:
cout <<"wrong number\n";break;}}while(exit !=10);return EXIT_SUCCESS;}
Saad Ali
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