Do you remember the html form that you created in your project last semester? Use it and Make sure that it contain the following fields types: text, number, phone number, url, email, radio, checkbox, select of multiple, textarea
then write a PHP code to do the following: A- validate the number field to be between 11111 and 99999 B- validate name to be all alphabets C- Validate url to be correct D- Radio must select one E- Validate the numb F- number of choices in the checkbox to be between 2 to 3 choices G- Validate the select field number of choices must not be less than 4
H- write a function the receives the textarea and convert it to array, counts the number of words in it which must be greater than 10 and returns it.
display all form data from PHP and DO DATA RETENTION FOR ALL FIELDS
بس بدي حل الفرع H