According to the creation myths of the Abrahamic religions, Adam and Eve were the first Humans to wander the Earth.
You have to do God's job. The creation method must return an array of length 2 containing objects (representing Adam and Eve). The first object in the array should be an instance of the class Man. The second should be an instance of the class Woman. Both objects have to be subclasses of Human. Your job is to implement the Human, Man and Woman classes.
وده الحل بتاعي بس بيظهر خطاء علي الموقع فا الكود ده كده صح والا اي
Ali Ahmed55
السلام عليكم , يارب تكون بخير وبصحه امين يارب
ده مسائل من موقع codewars
According to the creation myths of the Abrahamic religions, Adam and Eve were the first Humans to wander the Earth.
You have to do God's job. The creation method must return an array of length 2 containing objects (representing Adam and Eve). The first object in the array should be an instance of the class Man. The second should be an instance of the class Woman. Both objects have to be subclasses of Human. Your job is to implement the Human, Man and Woman classes.
وده الحل بتاعي بس بيظهر خطاء علي الموقع فا الكود ده كده صح والا اي
بس من غير كتبت الكود لو سمحتو
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