The system allows organizing the car rental process, as it records the data of each car in terms of (car type: sports, family, personal - the name of the manufacturer, model, plate number and code). When a car comes to the company, the employee adds it to the system with all its data, in addition to the name of the rental company, which is unified for all cars inside the company.
All cars must be linked to the name of the person who wants to rent, his address, his mobile number and his mail address.
In this phase:
You are required to implement java program for Car Rental System that contains: --
- "Car " Class with all its data appropriate Constructors and methods.
- A test class and enter five cars into the system, and assign only two cars to clients, the rest cars will be left to other clients.
- Print a report that contains all the data of the cars inside the system.
- Design a UML class diagram for "Car" class
(Hint: tack care of types of variables –static or instance-, visibility modifiers, getter and setter methods, array of objects)
احتاج حل لهالسوال لطفا
تم التعديل في بواسطة Mustafa Suleiman تعديل عنوان السؤال
Aryam Mohmd
The system allows organizing the car rental process, as it records the data of each car in terms of (car type: sports, family, personal - the name of the manufacturer, model, plate number and code). When a car comes to the company, the employee adds it to the system with all its data, in addition to the name of the rental company, which is unified for all cars inside the company.
All cars must be linked to the name of the person who wants to rent, his address, his mobile number and his mail address.
In this phase:
You are required to implement java program for Car Rental System that contains: --
- "Car " Class with all its data appropriate Constructors and methods.
- A test class and enter five cars into the system, and assign only two cars to clients, the rest cars will be left to other clients.
- Print a report that contains all the data of the cars inside the system.
- Design a UML class diagram for "Car" class
(Hint: tack care of types of variables –static or instance-, visibility modifiers, getter and setter methods, array of objects)
احتاج حل لهالسوال لطفا
تعديل عنوان السؤال
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