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There are multiple dependencies with different sources for `RNCheckNotificationPermission` in `Podfile`:

أحمد عبد الله2


احاول ان اقوم بعمل pod install لكن يظهرلى هذا الخطا 

[!] There are multiple dependencies with different sources for `RNCheckNotificationPermission` in `Podfile`:

- RNCheckNotificationPermission (from `../node_modules/react-native-check-notification-permission/ios`)
- RNCheckNotificationPermission (from `../node_modules/react-native-check-notification-permission`)


هذا هو ملف podfile الخاص بى

require_relative '../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods'
require_relative '../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules'

platform :ios, '11.0'

pod 'FBSDKLoginKit'

target 'MyApp' do

  pod 'TwitterKit', '~> 3.3' 

  config = use_native_modules!

    :path => config[:reactNativePath],
    # to enable hermes on iOS, change `false` to `true` and then install pods
    :hermes_enabled => false

  pod 'react-native-twitter-signin', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-twitter-signin'

  pod 'RNCheckNotificationPermission', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-check-notification-permission'

  target 'MyAppTests' do
    inherit! :complete
    # Pods for testing

  # Enables Flipper.
  # Note that if you have use_frameworks! enabled, Flipper will not work and
  # you should disable the next line.

  post_install do |installer|


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حاول حذف السطر التالي من ملف podfile:

pod 'RNCheckNotificationPermission', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-check-notification-permission'

ومحاولة إجراء الربط بشكل آلي عبر تنفيذ الأمر التالي في المجلد الجذر للمشروع:

react-native link react-native-check-notification-permission


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شارك على الشبكات الإجتماعية

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