اذهب إلى المحتوى

Mohanad Mohand

  • المساهمات

  • تاريخ الانضمام

  • تاريخ آخر زيارة

آخر الزوار

لوحة آخر الزوار معطلة ولن تظهر للأعضاء

إنجازات Mohanad Mohand

عضو مبتدئ

عضو مبتدئ (1/3)


السمعة بالموقع

  1. A class which is called Employee consists of salary and bounce as a variables, setSalary(double salary) to initialize the variable, getSalary() to get the salary, setBounce(double b) to initialize bounce value, getyearSalary() to get the year salary. Your java program should have a main class, which is called Company to create an object called p of programmer class, and then calculate programmer salary, total salary, and year salary. Note: Suppose the bounce of programmer is 10% of his basic salary ممكن توضيح كيفية حل السؤال ؟
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