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Hala Haneya

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كل منشورات العضو Hala Haneya

  1. السلام عليكم .. المشكلة في الكود انه لا يظهر الuser input لكن يظهر كل شيء تاني. ايش ممكن تكون المشكلة؟ The header file #ifndef BOOKTYPE_H #define BOOKTYPE_H #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class bookType { public: // constructor bookType(); bookType(string title , int noOfAuthors, string authors[4], string publisher, int ISBN, double price, int noOfCopies); // functions void setTitle(string t); // sets title string getTitle() const; // returns title void showTitle(); // shows title void setNoOfAuthors(int numA); // sets no of authors int getNoOfAuthors(); // returns no of authors void showNoOfAuthors(); // shows no of authors void setAuthors(string authors[4]); // sets authors array string getAuthors() const; // returns authors void showAuthors(); // shows authors void setPublisher(string pblshr); // sets publisher string getPublisher() const; // returns publisher void showPublisher(); // shows publisher void setISBN(int isbn); // sets isbn int getISBN() const; // returns isbn void showISBN(); // shows isbn void setPrice(int pr); // sets price double getPrice() const; // returns price void showPrice(); // shows price void setCopies(int numC); // sets no of copies int getCopies() const; // returns no of copies void showCopies(); // shows no of copies void printBookInfo(); // prints books information void updateNoOfCopies(int n); // updates no of copies of books void search(char respnse); // searches by title or ISBN private: // attributes string title, authors[4], publisher; int ISBN, noOfCopies, noOfAuthors, var, n; double price; char response; }; #endif // BOOKTYPE_H The cpp file #include "bookType.h" bookType::bookType() { title = ""; noOfAuthors = 0; authors[0] = ""; authors[1] = ""; authors[2] = ""; authors[3] = ""; publisher = ""; ISBN = 0; price = 0.0; noOfCopies = 0; } bookType::bookType(string title, int noOfAuthors, string authors[4], string publisher, int ISBN, double price, int noOfCopies) { title = ""; noOfAuthors = 0; authors[0] = ""; authors[1] = ""; authors[2] = ""; authors[3] = ""; publisher = ""; ISBN = 0; price = 0.0; noOfCopies = 0; } // end constructor bookType books[5]; void bookType::setTitle(string t) { title = t; } string bookType::getTitle() const { return title; } void bookType::showTitle() { cout << "\nTitle: "; cout << title; } void bookType::setNoOfAuthors(int numA) { if(numA >= 0) { noOfAuthors = numA; } else noOfAuthors = 0; } int bookType::getNoOfAuthors() { return noOfAuthors; } void bookType::showNoOfAuthors() { cout << "\nNumber of Authors: " << noOfAuthors << endl; } void bookType::setAuthors(string authors[4]) { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cout << "\nAuthor " << i + 1 << ": "; cin >> authors[i]; } // end for } string bookType::getAuthors() const { //return authorName; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { return authors[i]; } } void bookType::showAuthors() { cout <<"\nAuthor(s)"; if (authors[0] != "") cout << authors[0]; if (authors[1] != "") cout <<", "<< authors[1]; if (authors[2] != "") cout <<", "<< authors[2]; if (authors[3] != "") cout <<", "<< authors[3]; cout << endl; } void bookType::setPublisher(string pblshr) { publisher = pblshr; } string bookType::getPublisher() const { return publisher; } void bookType::showPublisher() { cout << "\nPublisher: " ; cout << publisher; } void bookType::setISBN(int isbn) { ISBN = isbn; } int bookType::getISBN() const { return ISBN; } void bookType::showISBN() { cout << "\nISBN: "; cout << ISBN; } void bookType::setPrice(int pr) { if(pr >= 0) { price = pr; } else price = 0; } double bookType::getPrice() const { return price; } void bookType::showPrice() { cout << "\nPrice: "; cout << price; } void bookType::setCopies(int numC) { if(numC >= 0) { noOfCopies = numC; } else noOfCopies = 0; } int bookType::getCopies() const { return noOfCopies; } void bookType::showCopies() { cout << "\nNumber of Copies: "; cout << noOfCopies; } void bookType::printBookInfo() { showTitle(); showNoOfAuthors(); showAuthors(); showPublisher(); showISBN(); showPrice(); showCopies(); } // end printBookInfo void bookType::updateNoOfCopies(int n) { n = noOfCopies; } void bookType::search(char response) // searches by title or ISBN { if(response == 'y') { cout << "Enter 1 to search by title or 2 by ISBN: "; cin >> var; switch(var) { case 1: { cout << "Enter book title: "; string newTitle; cin >> newTitle; for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { string temp = books[j].getTitle(); if(newTitle == temp) { books[j].printBookInfo(); } // end if } // end for loop break; } // end case1 case 2 : { cout << "Enter book ISBN: "; int newISBN; cin >> newISBN; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int temp = books[i].getISBN(); if(newISBN = temp) { books[i].printBookInfo(); } // end if } // end for loop break; } // end case2 default : { cout << "Invalid Input!"; } // end default } // end switch }// end if else cout << "Thank you!"; } // end search The main file #include <iostream> #include "bookType.h" int main() { cout << "\nThis program prints books information."; // attributes string title, authors[4], publisher, authorName; int ISBN, noOfCopies, noOfAuthors; double price; char response; bookType books[5]; for(int i = 0; i<2; i++) { cout << "\n*********************************"; cout << "\nEnter book title: "; cin >> title; // reads title cout << "\nEnter number of authors(1-4): "; cin >> noOfAuthors; // reads noOfAuthors cout << "\nEnter name(s) of authors: "; for(int i = 0; i < noOfAuthors; i++) { cout << "Author " << i + 1 << ": "; cin >> authors[i]; } // end for cout << "\nEnter book publisher: "; cin >> publisher; // reads publisher cout << "\nEnter book ISBN: "; cin >> ISBN; // reads ISBN cout << "\nEnter book price: "; cin >> price; // reads price cout << "\nEnter number of book copies: "; cin >> noOfCopies; // reads noOfCopies bookType b(title, noOfAuthors, authors, publisher, ISBN, price, noOfCopies); books[i] = b; } cout << "\nBooks information is displayed below."; for(int j = 0; j<2; j++) { books[j].printBookInfo(); cout << "\n***************"; } bookType b1; cout << "\nWould you like to search for a book ?"; cout << "Enter y for yes and n for no: "; cin >> response; b1.search(response); return 0; } Input: This program prints books information. ********************************* Enter book title: sth Enter number of authors(1-4): 1 Enter name(s) of authors: Author 1: hh Enter book publisher: aa Enter book ISBN: 111 Enter book price: 11 Enter number of book copies: 1 ********************************* Enter book title: sth1 Enter number of authors(1-4): 1 Enter name(s) of authors: Author 1: aa Enter book publisher: aa Enter book ISBN: 111 Enter book price: 11 Enter number of book copies: 1 Output: Books information is displayed below. Title: Number of Authors: 14703328 (Author(s Publisher: ISBN: 1023 Price: 1.63536e-321 Number of Copies: 0 *************** Title: Number of Authors: 14703328 Author(s) Publisher: ISBN: 1023 Price: 1.63536e-321 Number of Copies: 0
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