Write a C++ function (call it search) that searches for a number in the array, that is passed to the function, and returns the index/indices of the number in that array. For example, if you pass [5,6,8,9,5,2] to the function and you want to search for 5 the function returns [0,4]. Write a C++ program and test your function. Take the following notes into consideration when writing your program:
1- Let the user decide the size of the array and then enter the array elements.
2- Your function should work with any data type.
3- Use pass by address when passing the array to the function.
4.The function should prevent changing the elements of the passed array.
Aya alsalam
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Write a C++ function (call it search) that searches for a number in the array, that is passed to the function, and returns the index/indices of the number in that array. For example, if you pass [5,6,8,9,5,2] to the function and you want to search for 5 the function returns [0,4]. Write a C++ program and test your function. Take the following notes into consideration when writing your program:
1- Let the user decide the size of the array and then enter the array elements.
2- Your function should work with any data type.
3- Use pass by address when passing the array to the function.
4.The function should prevent changing the elements of the passed array.
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