0 Entesar Khaled نشر 1 نوفمبر 2019 أرسل تقرير نشر 1 نوفمبر 2019 أهلًا بك، الحل يمكن أن يكون كالتالي namespace NewOperator { class Rectangle { public int length, breadth; // Parameterized Constructor // User defined public Rectangle(int l, int b) { length = l; breadth = b; } // Method to Calculate Area // of the rectangle public int Area() { return length * breadth; } } // Driver Class class Program { // Main Method static void Main(string[] args) { // Creating an object using 'new' // Calling the parameterized constructor // With parameters 10 and 12 Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(10, 12); // To display length and breadth of the Rectangle int length = rect1.length; int breadth = rect1.breadth; Console.WriteLine("The length of the"+ " Rectangle is " + length); Console.WriteLine("The breadth of the"+ " Rectangle is " + breadth); // To display are of the Rectangle int area = rect1.Area(); Console.WriteLine("The area of the"+ " Rectangle is " + area); } } اقتباس
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