اذهب إلى المحتوى

Marah Mujahed

  • المساهمات

  • تاريخ الانضمام

  • تاريخ آخر زيارة

أجوبة بواسطة Marah Mujahed

  1. Develop A Contact Book Application

    Write a C++ program to simulate a contact book that should hold the
    following details 1) the first name, 2) the last name, and 3) contact numbers
    (each contact can maximally have 3 numbers). Where contacts must be
    stored in order according to the first name from A to Z. The user of the
    system must have the ability to :
    1. Add new contact
    2. Edit an available contact (first name, last name, or a contact number)
    3. Search a contact (even by contact name or number)
    4. Delete a contact
    5. Display contacts. This action must present only one contact and the user
    can go forward or backward to see other persons. (display starts from A
    and ends at Z)
    6. Display the total number of contacts
    7. Clear the book

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