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كيف يمكني عمل فنكشن . AddBack and AddInOrder

Mari Carmen


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سأعطيك إجابة عن التمرين بإعتماد الدوال التي طلبوها منك

STL::STL (string S, string language) {
	s = S;
	lang = language;

string STL::gets () {return s;}//returns the string of the word.

STL * STL::getlang () {return lang;}//returns the lang.

void STL::print() {cout << s << endl;}

void LLN::AddFront (string S) { //Adds a word (If one does't already exist) into the back of the list.
    string temp1 = S;
    string temp2 = this->s;
    int i = 0;
        temp2[i] = tolower(temp2[i]);
    i = 0;
        temp1[i] = tolower(temp1[i]);
    if (temp1 == temp2) return;
	if (lang==NULL) next = new STL (S,NULL);
	else lang->addback (S);

void LLN::AddBack (string S) { //Adds a word (If one does't already exist) into the back of the list.
    string temp1 = S;
    string temp2 = this->s;
    int i = 0;
        temp1[i] = tolower(temp1[i]);
    i = 0;
        temp2[i] = tolower(temp2[i]);
    if (temp2 == temp1) return;
	if (lang==NULL) next = new STL (S,NULL);
	else lang->addback (S);

void STL::AddInOrder (string S) { //Adds a word in alphabetical order. We do a check here to determine whether or not the word we're probing for exists.
    string tempS = this->gets();
    for (int i = 0; i < S.length(); i++)
        S[i] = tolower(S[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i < tempS.length(); i++)
        tempS[i] = tolower(tempS[i]);
    if (!lang || S < lang->gets()){
    lang = new STL (S,next);
		lang->addinorder (S);


void STL::Sort () {  //Sort all the words in the list starting with me in reverse order
	print ();
	if (lang != NULL) lang->Sort ();

كملاحظة : خلال كل العملية نقوم بتصغير حروف الـstring بإعتماد مصفوفة tolower

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