اذهب إلى المحتوى

Shahd Moustafa

  • المساهمات

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كل منشورات العضو Shahd Moustafa

  1. My teacher tells me: you are still calling delete on a null pointer instead of deallocating the nodes. // Stack Using Linked List Implementation.cpp "Using Pointer" // Val1->Val2->...Val15->Null // Val + Pointer = Node #include <iostream> using namespace std; // To Accommodate More Than One Data Type template <class T> class Stack { // Create (Node) As A struct struct Node { T Val; // Create Pointer (Next) Points On Node Node* Next; }; Node* Top, * X; public: // Empety Constaractor To Initialize (Top) As NULL Stack() { Top = NULL; } // Create Add Function To Add New Element void Add(T val) { //*Ptr As Pointer Because It Is Linked Stack Node* Ptr = new Node;// Use (new) Node if (Ptr == NULL) cout << "Stack Add Cannot Allocate Memory"; else{ // Assigning The Value To The Pointer Ptr->Val = val;// Use (->) Because We Are Dealing With Pointer Ptr->Next = Top; Top = Ptr; } } // To Check Stack Is Empety Or No bool CheckIsEmpety() { // Case Top == NULL That's Mean The Stack Is Empety return Top == NULL; } // To Erase The Elemets void Erase() { if (CheckIsEmpety()) { cout << "Stack Is Empety"; } else { // Create Temporary Pointer Points To *Top Node* Temp = Top; // To Move Top A Step Down Top = Top->Next; // Make The Temporary Pointer NULL Temp = Temp->Next = NULL; // Then Delete Temp delete Temp; } } // To Save Temp Value's Before Delete It void Save(T&SaveValue) { if (CheckIsEmpety()) { cout << "Stack Is Empety"; } else { // To Save Top Value Before Delete It SaveValue = Top->Val; cout << "Save Value : " << SaveValue; } } // To Get Top Element void GetTop(T&Value) { if (CheckIsEmpety()) cout << "Stack Is Empety"; else Value = Top->Val; cout << "\nThe Top Element : " << Value << "\n"; } // Print Function void Print() { X = Top; cout << "\nElements In The Stack : ["; while (X != NULL) { cout << X->Val << " "; X = X->Next; } cout << "]\n"; } }; int main() { Stack<int> obj; // Add Some Values obj.Add(15); obj.Add(70); obj.Add(23); // Print The Values obj.Print(); //Get The Top int k = 0; obj.GetTop(k); obj.Save(k); // After Remove Top Element obj.Erase(); // Print After Remove Top Element cout << "\nAfter Remove Top Element"; obj.Print(); }
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